In my clinical practice, I have focussed on defining my clinical skills and therapeutic techniques rather than specialising in working with only one particular age group of clients. I enjoy working with young people as much as with adults and have extensive experience offering effective and evidence-based therapies to my clients. Please also see my testimonials provided by previous clients.
I see my therapeutic home in attachment-based, trauma-informed, and emotion-focussed therapeutic approaches. I integrate different therapy approaches based on my clients needs. For example, therapy might start with exploring early attachment experiences and how they might be related to current difficulties. Then, depending on what I agree with my client, we may work using a combination of CBT, attachment based therapies, EMDR and EFT treatment (please see for further information about those treatments on my homepage) to facilitate behavioural change, emotional processing, increase resilience, and personal growth.
Most importantly, I have developed a way of working that is client-centred, flexible, focussed and transparent. I involve my client in the thinking process around treatment planning and we decide together what is the best way of working whereby I am guiding this process. I am not just using one therapeutic approach but offer a variety of effective and established therapies depending on what is needed and appropriate. The treatment therefore becomes tailored and effective.
After a free initial consultation, an assessment process (1 - 3 sessions) marks the beginning of therapy. Afterwards, a tailored treatment plan is offered and discussed with the individual client / family. Therapy can be short-term and long-term. The necessity and appropriateness of the length of treatment is discussed throughout therapy. Sessions are usually spread out forwards the end of treatment (from weekly to fortnightly to monthly) to facilitate the transition from intensive support to ending therapy.